Saturday, October 19, 2024

Please Take Some Personal Initiative

Please Take Some Personal Initiative My friends, I am sure that many of you can understand that I keep very busy here with the Bill's Bible Basics ministry. In fact, as I have mentioned before, I am literally years behind in my work, and in the things which I hope to accomplish for the Lord in the time that I have left on this Earth. God knows when my time will be up. Aside from writing new articles and series, or updating older ones, creating new graphics, or updating older ones, compiling new KJV Bible Verse Lists, and composing new poetry, I also have to contend with what can be very annoying, frustrating and time-consuming web server issues. Such was the recent case where I had to start my web server from scratch, due to a technical issue which I was unable to resolve. As a result of this problem, I lost four years worth of posts from the BBB Blog. In fact, this was the second time that this has happened since I first began the blog many years ago. While I have the backup resources to replace just about everything that was lost, it takes me many, many months to repost the over 5,000 entries which were on the blog prior to losing everything. So, the way that you personally can help me, is by taking some personal initiative yourself, whenever you have questions about the Bible and our Christian beliefs. Trust me when I say that after writing now for over a quarter of a century, I have probably already addressed a lot of the same issues which you personally think about and question. All you have to do is dig into my work, and use the Bill's Bible Basics Search Engine, to mine the gold. Can you do that for me? It will really help me a lot, and you as well. Following are a few links which will get you started: BBB Search Engine KJV Bible Verse Lists BBB Articles: New You will find many more links at the bottom of most pages on the BBB website. Thanks for taking the time to read this commentary.

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