Monday, August 5, 2024

GENERATIONAL CURSES -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List

GENERATIONAL CURSES -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List Visit to see more. "Thou shalt not make‭‭ unto thee any graven image‭, or any likeness‭ ‭of any thing‭ that‭ ‭is‭ in heaven‭ above‭, or that ‭is‭ in the earth‭ beneath, or that ‭is‭ in the water‭ under the earth‭:‭ Thou shalt not bow down‭‭ thyself to them, nor serve‭‭ them: for I the LORD‭ thy God‭ ‭am‭ a jealous‭ God‭, visiting‭‭ the iniquity‭ of the fathers‭ upon the children‭ unto the ‭third‭‭ ‭and‭ fourth‭ ‭generation‭ of them that hate‭‭ me;‭" Exodus 20:4-5, KJV "And the LORD‭ passed by‭‭ before him‭, and proclaimed‭‭, The LORD‭, The LORD‭ God‭, merciful‭ and gracious‭, longsuffering‭‭, and abundant‭ in goodness‭ and truth‭, Keeping‭‭ mercy‭ for thousands‭, forgiving‭‭ iniquity‭ and transgression‭ and sin‭, and that will by no means‭‭ clear‭‭ ‭the guilty‭; visiting‭‭ the iniquity‭ of the fathers‭ upon the children‭, and upon the children's‭ children‭, unto the ‭third‭‭ ‭and‭ to the fourth‭ ‭generation‭.‭" Exodus 34:6-7, KJV "The LORD‭ ‭is‭ longsuffering‭‭, and of great‭ mercy‭, forgiving‭‭ iniquity‭ and transgression‭, and by no means‭‭ clearing‭‭ ‭the guilty‭, visiting‭‭ the iniquity‭ of the fathers‭ upon the children‭ unto the ‭third‭‭ ‭and‭ fourth‭ ‭generation‭.‭" Numbers 14:18, KJV "Thou shalt not make‭‭ thee ‭any‭ graven image‭, ‭or‭ any likeness‭ ‭of any thing‭ that ‭is‭ in heaven‭ above‭, or that ‭is‭ in the earth‭ beneath, or that ‭is‭ in the waters‭ beneath the earth‭: Thou shalt not bow down‭‭ thyself unto them, nor serve‭‭ them: for I the LORD‭ thy God‭ ‭am‭ a jealous‭ God‭, visiting‭‭ the iniquity‭ of the fathers‭ upon the children‭ unto the ‭third‭‭ ‭and‭ fourth‭ ‭generation‭ of them that hate‭‭ me, And shewing‭‭ mercy‭ unto thousands‭ of them that love‭‭ me and keep‭‭ my commandments‭.‭" Deuteronomy 5:8-10, KJV In fact, the hardhearted, unbelieving Jews were so blinded by hatred towards Jesus, consider what they said at the Lord's trial: "When‭ Pilate‭ saw‭‭ that‭ he could prevail‭‭ nothing‭, but‭ ‭that‭ rather‭ a tumult‭ was made‭‭, he took‭‭ water‭, and washed‭‭ ‭his‭ hands‭ before‭ the multitude‭, saying‭‭, I am‭‭ innocent‭ of‭ the blood‭ of this‭ just person‭: see‭‭ ye‭ ‭to it‭. Then‭ answered‭‭ all‭ the people‭, and said‭‭, ‭His‭‭ ‭blood‭‭ ‭be‭ on‭ us‭, and‭ on‭ our‭ children‭.‭" Matthew 27:24-25, KJV
If you would like more info regarding the origin of these KJV Bible verse lists, go to Thank-you!

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