Monday, October 28, 2024

JESUS DENIED AND BETRAYED -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List

JESUS DENIED AND BETRAYED -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List #Scriptures #BibleStudy #BibleVerses Visit to see more. "‭Yea, mine own familiar‭ friend‭, in whom I trusted‭‭, which did eat‭‭ of my bread‭, hath lifted up‭‭ ‭his‭ heel‭ against me.‭" Psalm 41:9, KJV "‭I speak‭‭ not‭ of‭ you‭ all‭: I‭ know‭‭ whom‭ I have chosen‭‭: but‭ that‭ the scripture‭ may be fulfilled‭‭, He that eateth‭‭ bread‭ with‭ me‭ hath lifted up‭‭ his‭ heel‭ against‭ me‭.‭" John 13:18, KJV "Whosoever‭‭ therefore‭ shall confess‭‭‭ me‭ before‭ men‭,‭ him‭ will I confess‭‭ also‭ before‭ my‭ Father‭ which‭ is in‭ heaven‭.‭ ‭But‭ whosoever‭ shall‭ deny‭‭ me‭ before‭ men‭, him‭ will I also‭ deny‭‭ before‭ my‭ Father‭ which‭ is in‭ heaven‭.‭" Matthew 10:32-33, KJV "Then‭ one‭ of the twelve‭, called‭‭ Judas‭ Iscariot‭, went‭‭ unto‭ the chief priests‭,‭ ‭And said‭‭ ‭unto them‭, What‭ will ye‭‭ give‭‭ me‭, and‭ I will deliver‭‭ him‭ unto you‭? And‭ they covenanted‭‭ with him‭ for thirty‭ pieces of silver‭.‭ ‭And‭ from‭ that time‭ he sought‭‭ opportunity‭ to‭ betray‭‭ him‭.‭" Matthew 26:14-16, KJV ‭"And‭ as they‭ did eat‭‭, he [Jesus] said‭‭, Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto you‭, that‭ one‭ of‭ you‭ shall betray‭‭ me‭.‭ ‭And‭ they were exceeding‭ sorrowful‭‭, and began‭‭ every one‭ of them‭ to say‭‭ unto him‭, Lord‭, is‭‭ it‭ I‭?‭ ‭And‭ he answered‭‭ and said‭‭, He that dippeth‭‭ ‭his‭ hand‭ with‭ me‭ in‭ the dish‭, the same‭ shall betray‭‭ me‭.‭ ‭The Son‭ of man‭ goeth‭‭ as‭ it is written‭‭ of‭ him‭: but‭ woe‭ unto that‭ man‭ by‭ whom‭ the Son‭ of man‭ is betrayed‭‭! it had been‭‭ good‭ for that‭ man‭ if‭ he‭ had‭‭ not‭ been born‭‭.‭ ‭Then‭ Judas‭, which‭ betrayed‭‭ him‭, answered‭‭ and said‭‭, Master‭, is‭‭ it‭ I‭? He said‭‭ unto him‭, Thou‭ hast said‭‭.‭" Matthew 26:21-25, KJV "‭Peter‭ answered‭‭ and‭ said‭‭ unto him‭, Though‭ all‭ ‭men‭ shall be offended‭‭ because‭ of thee‭, ‭yet‭ will I‭ never‭ be offended‭‭.‭ ‭Jesus‭ said‭‭ unto him‭, Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto thee‭, That‭ this‭‭ night‭, before‭ the cock‭ crow‭‭, thou shalt deny‭‭ me‭ thrice‭.‭ ‭Peter‭ said‭‭ unto him‭, Though‭ I‭ should‭‭ die‭‭ with‭ thee‭, yet‭‭ will I‭‭ not‭ deny‭‭ thee‭. Likewise‭ also‭ said‭‭ all‭ the disciples‭.‭" Matthew 26:33-35, KJV "Then‭ cometh he‭‭ to‭ his‭ disciples‭, and‭ saith‭‭ unto them‭, Sleep on‭‭ now‭, and‭ take ‭your‭ rest‭‭‭: behold‭‭, the hour‭ is at hand‭‭, and‭ the Son‭ of man‭ is betrayed‭‭ into‭ the hands‭ of sinners‭.‭ ‭Rise‭‭, let us be going‭‭: behold‭‭, he is at hand‭‭ that doth betray‭‭ me‭.‭ ‭And‭ while‭‭ he‭ yet‭ spake‭‭, lo‭‭, Judas‭, one‭ of the twelve‭, came‭‭, and‭ with‭ him‭ a great‭ multitude‭ with‭ swords‭ and‭ staves‭, from‭ the chief priests‭ and‭ elders‭ of the people‭.‭ ‭Now‭ he that betrayed‭‭ him‭ gave‭‭ them‭ a sign‭, saying‭‭, Whomsoever‭‭ I shall kiss‭‭, that same‭ is‭‭ he‭: hold‭‭ him‭ fast‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ forthwith‭ he came‭‭ to Jesus‭, and said‭‭, Hail‭‭, master‭; and‭ kissed‭‭ him‭.‭ ‭And‭ Jesus‭ said‭‭ unto him‭, Friend‭, wherefore‭‭ art thou come‭‭? Then‭ came they‭‭, and laid‭‭ hands‭ on‭ Jesus‭, and‭ took‭‭ him‭.‭" Matthew 26:45-50, KJV "Now‭ Peter‭ sat‭‭ without‭ in‭ the palace‭: and‭ a‭ damsel‭ came‭‭ unto him‭, saying‭‭, Thou‭ also‭ wast‭‭ with‭ Jesus‭ of Galilee‭.‭ ‭But‭ he denied‭‭ before‭ ‭them‭ all‭, saying‭‭, I know‭‭ not‭ what‭ thou sayest‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ when he‭ was gone out‭‭ into‭ the porch‭, another‭ ‭maid‭ saw‭‭ him‭, and‭ said‭‭ unto them that were there‭, This‭ ‭fellow‭ was‭‭ also‭ with‭ Jesus‭ of Nazareth‭.‭ ‭And‭ again‭ he denied‭‭ with‭ an oath‭,‭ I do‭‭ not‭ know‭‭ the man‭.‭ ‭And‭ after‭ a while‭ came unto ‭him‭ they‭‭ that stood by‭‭, and said‭‭ to Peter‭, Surely‭ thou‭ also‭ art‭‭ ‭one‭ of‭ them‭; for‭‭ thy‭ speech‭ bewrayeth‭ thee‭‭‭.‭ ‭Then‭ began he‭‭ to curse‭‭ and‭ to swear‭‭, ‭saying‭,‭ I know‭‭ not‭ the man‭. And‭ immediately‭ the cock‭ crew‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ Peter‭ remembered‭‭ the word‭ of Jesus‭, which‭ said‭‭ unto him‭, Before‭‭ the cock‭ crow‭‭, thou shalt deny‭‭ me‭ thrice‭. And‭ he went out‭, and‭‭ wept‭‭ bitterly‭." Matthew 26:69-75, KJV "And‭ Judas‭ Iscariot‭, one‭ of the twelve‭, went‭‭ unto‭ the chief priests‭, to‭ betray‭‭ him‭ unto them‭.‭ ‭And‭ when they heard‭‭ ‭it‭, they were glad‭‭, and‭ promised‭‭ to give‭‭ him‭ money‭. And‭ he sought‭‭ how‭ he might conveniently‭ betray‭‭ him‭.‭" Mark 14:10-11, KJV "And‭ as they‭ sat‭‭ and‭ did eat‭‭, Jesus‭ said‭‭, Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto you‭,‭ One‭ of‭ you‭ which‭ eateth‭‭ with‭ me‭ shall betray‭‭ me‭.‭ ‭And‭ they began‭‭ to be sorrowful‭‭, and to‭ say‭‭ unto him‭ one by one‭,‭ ‭Is‭ it I‭? and‭ another‭ ‭said,‭ Is‭ it I‭?‭ ‭And‭ he answered‭‭ and said‭‭ unto them‭, ‭It is‭ one‭ of‭ the twelve‭, that dippeth‭‭ with‭ me‭ in‭ the dish‭.‭ ‭The Son‭ of man‭ indeed‭ goeth‭‭, as‭ it is written‭‭ of‭ him‭: but‭ woe‭ to that‭ man‭ by‭ whom‭ the Son‭ of man‭ is betrayed‭‭! good‭ were it‭‭ for that‭ man‭ if‭ he‭ had‭‭ never‭ been born‭‭.‭" Mark 14:18-21, KJV "But‭ Peter‭ said‭‭ unto him‭, Although‭‭ all‭ shall be offended‭‭, yet‭ ‭will‭ not‭ I‭.‭ ‭And‭ Jesus‭ saith‭‭ unto him‭, Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto thee‭, That‭ this day‭, ‭even‭ in‭ this‭ night‭, before‭‭ the cock‭ crow‭‭ twice‭, thou shalt deny‭‭ me‭ thrice‭.‭ ‭But‭ he spake‭‭ the more‭ vehemently‭‭, If‭ I‭ should‭‭ die with‭‭ thee‭, I will not‭‭ deny‭‭ thee‭ in any wise‭. Likewise‭ also‭‭ said they‭‭ all‭.‭" Mark 14:29-31, KJV "And‭ as Peter‭ was‭‭ beneath‭ in‭ the palace‭, there cometh‭‭ one‭ of the maids‭ of the high priest‭:‭ ‭And‭ when she saw‭‭ Peter‭ warming himself‭‭, she looked‭‭ upon him‭, and said‭‭, And‭‭ thou‭ also‭ wast‭‭ with‭ Jesus‭ of Nazareth‭.‭ ‭But‭ he denied‭‭, saying‭‭, I know‭‭ not‭, neither‭ understand I‭‭ what‭ thou‭ sayest‭‭. And‭ he went‭‭ out‭ into‭ the porch‭; and‭ the cock‭ crew‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ a maid‭ saw‭‭ him‭ again‭, and began‭‭ to say‭‭ to them that stood by‭‭, This‭‭ is‭‭ ‭one‭ of‭ them‭.‭ ‭And‭ he denied it‭‭ again‭. And‭ a little‭ after‭, they that stood by‭‭ said‭‭ again‭ to Peter‭, Surely‭ thou art‭‭ ‭one‭ of‭ them‭: for‭‭ thou art‭‭ a Galilaean‭, and‭ thy‭ speech‭ agreeth‭‭ ‭thereto‭.‭ ‭But‭ he began‭‭ to curse‭‭ and‭ to swear‭‭, ‭saying‭, I know‭‭‭ not‭ this‭ man‭ of whom‭ ye speak‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ the‭ second time‭ the cock‭ crew‭‭. And‭ Peter‭ called to mind‭‭ the word‭ that‭ Jesus‭ said‭‭ unto him‭,‭ Before‭ the cock‭ crow‭‭ twice‭, thou shalt deny‭‭ me‭ thrice‭. And‭ when he thought thereon‭‭, he wept‭‭." Mark 14:66-72, KJV "Now‭ the feast‭ of unleavened bread‭ drew nigh‭‭, which is called‭‭ the Passover‭.‭ ‭And‭ the chief priests‭ and‭ scribes‭ sought‭‭ how‭ they might kill‭‭ him [Jesus]‭; for‭ they feared‭‭ the people‭.‭ ‭Then‭ entered‭‭ Satan‭ into‭ Judas‭ surnamed‭‭ Iscariot‭, being‭‭ of‭ the number‭ of the twelve‭.‭ ‭And‭ he went his way‭‭, and communed with‭‭ the chief priests‭ and‭ captains‭, how‭ he might betray‭‭ him‭ unto them‭.‭ ‭And‭ they were glad‭‭, and‭ covenanted‭‭ to give‭‭ him‭ money‭.‭ ‭And‭ he promised‭‭, and‭ sought‭‭ opportunity‭ to betray‭‭ him‭ unto them‭ in the absence‭ of the multitude‭.‭" Luke 22:1-6, KJV "And‭ while he‭ yet‭ spake‭‭, behold‭‭ a multitude‭, and‭ he that was called‭‭ Judas‭, one‭ of the twelve‭, went before‭‭ them‭, and‭ drew near‭‭ unto Jesus‭ to kiss‭‭ him‭.‭ ‭But‭ Jesus‭ said‭‭ unto him‭, Judas‭, betrayest thou‭‭ the Son‭ of man‭ with a kiss‭?‭" Luke 22:47-48, KJV "And‭ when they‭ had kindled‭‭ a fire‭ in‭ the midst‭ of the hall‭, and‭ were set down together‭‭, Peter‭ sat down‭‭ among‭‭ them‭.‭ ‭But‭ a certain‭ maid‭ beheld‭‭ him‭ as he sat‭‭ by‭ the fire‭, and‭ earnestly looked‭‭ upon him‭, and said‭‭, This man‭ was‭‭ also‭ with‭ him‭.‭ ‭And‭ he denied‭‭ him‭, saying‭‭, Woman‭, I know‭‭ him‭ not‭.‭ ‭And‭ after‭ a little while‭ another‭ saw‭‭ him‭, and said‭‭, Thou‭ art‭‭ also‭ of‭ them‭. And‭ Peter‭ said‭‭, Man‭, I am‭‭ not‭.‭ ‭And‭ about‭ the space‭‭ of one‭ hour‭ after another‭‭ confidently affirmed‭‭, saying‭‭, Of‭ a truth‭ this‭ ‭fellow‭ also‭ was‭‭ with‭ him‭: for‭‭ he is‭‭ a Galilaean‭.‭ ‭And‭ Peter‭ said‭‭, Man‭, I know‭‭ not‭ what‭ thou sayest‭‭. And‭ immediately‭, while he‭ yet‭ spake‭‭, the cock‭ crew‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ the Lord‭ turned‭‭, and looked upon‭‭ Peter‭. And‭ Peter‭ remembered‭‭ the word‭ of the Lord‭, how‭ he had said‭‭ unto him‭, Before‭‭ the cock‭ crow‭‭, thou shalt deny‭‭ me‭ thrice‭.‭ ‭And‭ Peter‭ went‭‭ out‭, and wept‭‭ bitterly‭.‭" Luke 22:55-62, KJV "But‭ there are‭‭ some‭ of‭ you‭ that‭ believe‭‭ not‭. For‭ Jesus‭ knew‭‭ from‭ the beginning‭ who‭ they were‭‭ that believed‭‭ not‭, and‭ who‭ should‭‭ betray‭‭ him‭ . . . ‭Jesus‭ answered‭‭ them‭, Have‭‭ not‭ I‭ chosen‭‭ you‭ twelve‭, and‭ one‭ of‭ you‭ is‭‭ a devil‭?‭ He spake‭‭ of Judas‭ Iscariot‭ ‭the son‭ of Simon‭: for‭ he‭ it was that should‭‭ betray‭‭ him‭, being‭‭ one‭ of‭ the twelve‭." John 6:64, 70-71, KJV "Then‭ saith‭‭ one‭ of‭ his‭ disciples‭, Judas‭ Iscariot‭, Simon's‭ ‭son‭, which‭ should‭‭ betray‭‭ him‭,‭ ‭Why‭ was‭‭ not‭ this‭ ointment‭ sold‭‭ for three hundred‭ pence‭, and‭ given‭‭ to the poor‭?‭ ‭This‭ he said‭‭, not‭ that‭ he‭ cared‭‭ for‭ the poor‭; but‭ because‭ he was‭‭ a thief‭, and‭ had‭‭ the bag‭, and‭ bare‭‭ what was put therein‭‭.‭" John 12:4-6, KJV "And‭ supper‭ being ended‭‭, the devil‭ having now‭ put‭‭ into‭ the heart‭ of Judas‭ Iscariot‭, Simon's‭ ‭son‭, to‭ betray‭‭ him‭ . . . Jesus‭ saith‭‭ to him‭, He that is washed‭‭ needeth‭ not‭‭‭ save‭ to wash‭‭ ‭his‭ feet‭, but‭ is‭‭ clean‭ every whit‭: and‭ ye‭ are‭‭ clean‭, but‭ not‭ all‭.‭ ‭For‭ he knew‭‭ who‭ should betray‭‭ him‭; therefore‭‭ said he‭‭, Ye are‭‭ not‭ all‭ clean‭.‭‭" John 13:2, 10-11, KJV "When Jesus‭ had‭‭ thus‭ said‭‭, he was troubled‭‭ in spirit‭, and‭ testified‭‭, and‭ said‭‭, Verily‭, verily‭, I say‭‭ unto you‭, that‭ one‭ of‭ you‭ shall betray‭‭ me‭.‭ ‭Then‭ the disciples‭ looked‭‭ one on another‭‭, doubting‭‭ of‭ whom‭ he spake‭‭.‭ ‭Now‭ there was‭‭ leaning‭‭ on‭ Jesus‭' bosom‭ one‭ of his‭ disciples‭, whom‭ Jesus‭ loved‭‭.‭ ‭Simon‭ Peter‭ therefore‭ beckoned‭‭ to him‭, that he should ask‭‭ who‭ it should‭ be‭‭ of‭ whom‭ he spake‭‭.‭ ‭He‭ then‭ lying on‭‭‭ Jesus‭' breast‭ saith‭‭ unto him‭, Lord‭, who‭ is it‭‭?‭ ‭Jesus‭ answered‭‭, He‭ it is‭‭, to whom‭ I shall give‭‭ a sop‭, when I‭ have dipped‭‭ ‭it‭. And‭ when he had dipped‭‭ the sop‭, he gave‭‭ ‭it‭ to Judas‭ Iscariot‭, ‭the son‭ of Simon‭.‭ ‭And‭ after‭ the sop‭‭ Satan‭ entered‭‭ into‭ him‭. Then‭ said‭‭ Jesus‭ unto him‭, That‭ thou doest‭‭, do‭‭ quickly‭.‭ ‭Now‭ no man‭ at the table‭‭ knew‭‭ for what‭ intent‭ he spake‭‭ this‭ unto him‭.‭ ‭For‭ some‭ ‭of them‭ thought‭‭, because‭ Judas‭ had‭‭ the bag‭, that‭ Jesus‭ had said‭‭ unto him‭, Buy‭‭ ‭those things‭ that‭ we have‭‭ need of‭ against‭ the feast‭; or‭, that‭ he should give‭‭ something‭ to the poor‭.‭ ‭He‭ then‭ having received‭‭ the sop‭ went‭‭ immediately‭ out‭‭: and‭ it was‭‭ night‭.‭" John 13:21-30, KJV
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