Tuesday, January 7, 2025

NO SHAPESHIFTING PLEASE -- a poem and song by Bill Kochman

NO SHAPESHIFTING PLEASE -- a poem and song by Bill Kochman #Christian #Poetry #Poem To see other poems related to this one, and to listen to the actual song, go to: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Science-Related "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:" 1 Timothy 6:20, KJV "God Doesn't Lie" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse029.html "God Made All Things" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse031.html "Satan: False God, Liar and Deceiver" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse388.html "Evolution" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse571.html Article: "The Dinosaur Dilemma and Modern Science": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/dinosr-1.html Article: "Adaptation, EVILution and the Six Days of Genesis": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/evilut-1.html Article: "The Earth is Under Seven Thousand Years Old!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/timelin1.html "God Created the Heavens - Intelligent Design" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse277.html "Foolish Rebellion of the Wicked" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse198.html Article: "The Wisdom of God vs The Philosophy of Men": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/philos-1.html "Wisdom of God's Spirit" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse077.html "Foolishness of the World" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse020.html "Spiritual Blindness" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse064.html Article: "Science and Technology: The Forbidden Knowledge?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/sci-tek1.html Article: "Organ Transplants and Blood Transfusions": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/organtr1.html Article: "Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, Terminal Sedation": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/AssistedSuicide-Euthanasia.html Article: "Death: Final Battle, Final Victory!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/death-01 Article: "Alien Life, Extrasolar Planets and Universal Atonement": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/alienlif01.html Article: "The Nibiru Planet X Wormwood Controversy": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/nibiru-1.html Article: "Comet Elenin, Hercolubus, Nibiru, and Planet X": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/Elenin-Hercolubus-Nibiru-01.html Article: "Nature of the Alien: ETs, Demons or a Government Plot?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/natalien.html Article: "Our Expanding Universe -- Einstein, Hubble, Dark Energy and God": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/Our-Expanding-Universe.html Article: "The Manipulation of Time and Space: Goal of the Beast?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/maniptm1.html Article: "IBM's Cognitive Computers, DARPA and the Image of the Beast": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/Cognitive-Computers-Image-of-the-Beast.html Article: "Robot Wars, Skynet, the Beast and the False Prophet": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/robotwar Article: "The Internet: Our Final Frontier; Your Last Chance?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/internet.html Article: "Is Science Better Than the Bible?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/science1.html Article: "Keeping Things in the Proper Perspective": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/propersp.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/no-shapeshifting-please-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?NO%20SHAPESHIFTING%20PLEASE%20--%20a%20poem%20and%20song%20by%20Bill%20Kochman

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GOD'S MERCY -- a poem and song by Bill Kochman

GOD'S MERCY -- a poem and song by Bill Kochman #Christian #Poetry #Poem To see other poems related to this one, and to listen ...