My friends, it really saddens me to see how many of you have been deceived by misguided Bible teachers who themselves have been blinded by the erroneous theological perspective known as Futurism.

I have written about this subject so much over the years — and continue to write about it — and yet everytime I view my news feed, I still see so many of my Christian friends spouting off this nonsense and commenting “Amen!” to this same nonsense.

In case you haven’t read any of my articles regarding this topic — such as “Fight Against Futurism!” — Futurism is a misguided belief system which takes ancient, already-fulfilled Bible prophecies, and applies them to our current time as if they haven’t occurred yet.

This deceptive belief system began making inroads into our Christian faith — both in Great Britain and in the United States — about two hundred years ago through individuals such as John Nelson Darby, Margaret MacDonald, and William Miller and his Millerites, who believed in the soon return of Jesus Christ, and the rapture of the Saints.

Ever since that time, one foolish individual after another — including some popular and famous preachers — has made misguided predictions — and even set specific dates — regarding the so-called rapture of the Saints, the start of the period referred to as the Great Tribulation, the return of Jesus Christ, and related events.

As I point out in some of my articles on the Bill’s Bible Basics website, over the past two hundred years, and to this very day, every single one of them has been wrong. My friends, you need to STOP and ask yourselves why this is. Why have all of their predictions and dates failed?

Sadly, beginning in the 1960s and the 1970s, the doctrines of Futurism began to grow even stronger within the modern Christian Church due to a number of well-meaning but misguided popular preachers who promoted these wayward beliefs amongst America’s youth.

By the late 1990s and the early 2,000s, the erroneous tenets of Futurism had overtaken other theological perspectives, so that many Christians were no longer even aware of the fact that there exist other theological perspectives, and that not all Christians agree with Futurism.

Over the years, many books and movies — such as “The Omen” movie franchise, the “Left Behind” book series and movie franchise, etc. — entrenched these false teachings within the minds of naive, gullible Christians who did not have a strong foundation in God’s Word. They were, and have continued to be, blind sheep who have been led astray from the truth of God’s Word.

With the arrival of the Internet — and later still with the rise of the social networks — the deceptive lies of Futurism continued to spread everywhere, so that today, this false belief system has gained a very powerful hold over literally millions of modern Christians all around the world.

In fact, the doctrines of Futurism have become so pervasive and powerful, that if one dares to speak against the tenets of Futurism, he or she is immediately shot down and branded a false teacher, and one who promotes doctrines of devils. In other words, those people who have actually become deceived by Futurism, are accusing those brethren who are trying to tell them the Scriptural truth, of being the deceivers. And so here we are today.

As I explain in my seven-part series entitled “Jesus Christ’s Return: Have We Been Deceived?”,  I personally was on the Futurism bandwagon for about forty years of my adult Christian life. I totally believed in it. Not only did I fully embrace it, but I fervently preached it to others as well. That is, until the Lord really began opening my eyes to Scriptural truth — as opposed to the false doctrines of men — in 2011-2012. It was eventually in 2016 that I authored the aforementioned series.

From that time until now, I have continued to share what I am now fully convinced is the proper interpretation of the ancient Bible prophecies, both via my Bill’s Bible Basics articles, as well as by way of my graphics, poetry, songs and online discussions on the social networks.

Sadly, it has not by any means been easy. I continue to encounter resistance from my misguided brethren who refuse to see the truth. I have lost friends over it, and I have likewise let go of certain friends who insistently and persistently continue to spread the lies of Futurism after I have tried to set them straight.

Yet despite the rejection which I know this current commentary will undoubtedly bring from some of you, here I am yet again reaching out to my Christian brethren, in the hope that at least a few of you will wake up and come out from under the deception of Futurism.

My friends, you need to STOP spreading all of this misguided nonsense. Not only are you deceived yourselves, but you are deceiving others as well, exactly as the Apostle Paul wrote almost two thousand years ago. To be more specific, it is time that you understand the following:

  1. Barack Obama is not the Beast or the Antichrist.
  2. Donald J. Trump is not the Beast or the Antichrist.
  3. Elon Musk is not the Beast or the Antichrist.
  4. The Pope is not the False Prophet.
  5. Neither Obamacare or the COVID vaccines are the Mark of the Beast.
  6. America is not Babylon the Great.
  7. The Roman Catholic Church is not Babylon the Great.
  8. The Great Tribulation has not already begun and is not about to begin.
  9. The Abomination of Desolation pertains to the distant past and has nothing to do with our current times.
  10. All 70 weeks of the Prophet Daniel’s “Seventy Weeks” prophecy — not just 69 of them — were fulfilled long ago.
  11. The rapture of the Saints is not imminent.
  12. Jesus Christ is not returning soon.

By sharing all of the previous misguided doctrines, you are in fact unknowingly setting up a lot of Christians for great disappointment when these events fail to materialize, exactly as has occurred for the past two hundred years. Do you honestly want to be guilty of doing that?

Before concluding this commentary, allow me to issue a clear warning: Do NOT try to start a doctrinal debate on my page. If you disagree with anything I have stated above, you have your own page where you are free to discuss it to your heart’s content. Do NOT do it here!

If you want to better understand why I believe as I do, and what has convinced me to believe as I now do after being a Futurist for so many years, then I invite you to read and seriously study the hundreds of articles and series which are currently found on the Bill’s Bible Basics website. They will clearly answer many of your questions.

Please not that at this current time — 02-28-2025 — my web server and BBB website remain offline and are inaccessible due to technical issues. However, hopefully, within the next week, my new computer will arrive, and everything will be back to normal.

To reiterate, do NOT attempt to argue or engage in a doctrinal debate with me or with anyone else who participates on my page regarding the aforementioned issues. If you do, your comments will be deleted. If you continue to persist, you will be unfriended. Really irk me, and you will be blocked entirely.


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