It is my understanding that the flight logs were ALREADY publicized quite some time ago. That being the case, how is this anything new?

Unless Pam Bondi’s department releases the actual FULL client list, and unless there are actual prosecutions followed by prison terms for all of the guilty parties, this amounts to nothing more than the same old political stonewalling and pointless grandstanding which we have seen for the past 60-70 years, ever since some of these events occurred.

I think people who are putting there faith in this need to wake up. They need to stop being so naive and gullible.

Furthermore, I believe that as long as any of the guilty parties are still breathing and alive, this information will NEVER be fully released, simply because these people are too powerful.

They may possibly throw a few people under the bus to try to quell the public’s desire to know the full truth, but it won’t be everything.

I think people are going to be disappointed by what is released tomorrow. It will be a lot of hot air which SEEMS to say a lot, but which in reality will say little or nothing new.

Remember the Congressional UFO/UAP hearing with David Grusch and others? How did that turn out? What new facts were revealed that weren’t already known? 

So again, this may just be another boring case of wash, rinse and repeat.

I hope Pam Bondi and her department prove me wrong. We will know soon enough.


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